Being pregnant is an exciting time, but it can also bring some not-so-fun changes to your body. You might feel moody, super tired, have morning sickness, aches, and worry about pregnancy-related stuff. Some medicines you used to take are not safe now that you’re expecting.

CBD is the latest trend that people use for stress and pain relief. Some pregnant women are curious if it’s okay for them to use it to feel better during pregnancy. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a part of the cannabis plant that doesn’t make you high. Studies show it might help with things like anxiety and pain. But, even though it seems promising, experts say it’s not a good idea to use CBD while you’re pregnant.

In this article, we’ll talk about what CBD does, possible problems it might cause, and why it’s better to avoid it when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

What Are The Potential Benefits Of CBD Use?

Scientists are still studying how CBD and other compounds from the cannabis plant might help people and if there are any downsides.

Right now, most people seem to tolerate CBD well, and it’s seen as safe. But, when it comes to using CBD during pregnancy, there’s a problem. It’s not okay to do experiments or studies on pregnant people because it’s not ethical.

Despite that, let’s check out the known good things about CBD and why many folks find it helpful and gentle.

  1. CBD Might Help with Pain and Discomfort 

Some folks really believe in CBD for easing pain, and they say it’s better than some strong prescription pain medicines that can have bad side effects.

However, the official health people (FDA) haven’t given the thumbs up for any CBD meds to treat pain yet. There is one FDA-approved CBD medicine called Epilodex, but that’s specifically for a rare type of epilepsy.

Still, some studies show that CBD could be good for long-term pain. In Canada and parts of Europe, they’ve okayed CBD drugs for dealing with pain from cancer and lessening the yucky effects of chemotherapy. 

  1. CBD Might Help with Nausea 

Nausea usually begins with that not-so-great feeling in your stomach, and it might make you want to throw up. Many things can trigger nausea, so it’s important to find out why it’s happening.

Some studies on animals suggest that CBD oil and other stuff from the cannabis plant can help with nausea. They do this by working on different pathways, including messing with serotonin, a brain chemical that helps control the nausea center in your brain (medulla oblongata).

  1. CBD for Better Sleep

A common gripe when it comes to sleep troubles is stress. Your body might be super tired, but your brain just won’t hush up. CBD seems to have a knack for working on GABA receptors in the brain. These receptors are like the main switch for slowing down all the buzzing activity caused by stress and anxiety. This calming effect might make it easier for some folks to doze off.

In a recent three-month study with 72 people dealing with anxiety and insomnia, the group that used CBD oil regularly had lower stress levels. Plus, within the first month, they noticed an improvement in how well they slept.

Is CBD Oil Safe? What Are The Possible Negative Effects of  CBD?

Good-quality CBD products are generally safe and well-tolerated by most people who are not pregnant or breastfeeding. However, it’s important to know that CBD does have some side effects.

The side effects linked with CBD oil are usually mild and don’t last long. They can also be lessened by taking the right amount under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Watch out for these possible side effects of CBD oil:

  •     Feeling sleepy
  •     Changes in appetite
  •     Upset stomach
  •     Diarrhea
  •     Interactions with certain prescription drugs

Besides CBD, other stuff in CBD products can cause issues. If the CBD oil is of low quality and comes from hemp grown with pesticides or dirty soil, it might have tiny amounts of toxins that can lead to irritation and discomfort.

CBD is Regarded as Unsafe for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy often brings muscle and joint aches, nausea, and high stress, but the FDA (the official health folks) strongly says no to using CBD when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

Even though CBD doesn’t make you high and usually doesn’t have big risks for most people who aren’t pregnant, there’s a problem. No solid studies have been done to figure out if CBD is good or bad for pregnant people. And there’s a good reason for that—doing studies on unborn babies and pregnant people wouldn’t be right. It’s not ethical.

Can CBD Impact the Development of a Fetus?

High doses of CBD given to pregnant test animals have caused problems like developmental toxicity, fetal deaths, low birth weight, and issues with the central nervous system, especially in developing male fetuses. But, it’s important to note that this doesn’t guarantee the same would happen in human fetuses.

However, the FDA isn’t taking any chances. They strongly say it’s a bad idea for pregnant women to use cannabinoids, including CBD, just to be safe and protect the health of the developing baby. It’s better not to take risks when it comes to the well-being of the unborn child.

Can CBD Transfer In Breast Milk?

Breastfeeding moms should steer clear of using cannabinoids. The FDA experts believe that even small amounts of CBD can pass into breast milk.

The evidence about how CBD exposure affects a baby through breastfeeding is not clear, and there’s conflicting information, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Cannabinoids like THC and CBD stick around in body fat and can be released slowly over time through breast milk. If a mom uses poorly made CBD oil with things like pesticides or bacteria, it could be risky for both her milk production and the baby.

To be safe, the FDA strongly says no to using products with CBD while breastfeeding. It is preferable to avoid any possible risks.

Is It Safe to Consume Hemp Seeds During Pregnancy?

Hemp seeds are a great addition to your diet because they’re rich in fiber, protein, and fatty acids. You can sprinkle them on smoothies, yogurt, and salads for a nutritional boost.

It’s important to know that hemp seeds and cannabinoids come from different parts of the hemp plant. Hemp seeds do not have cannabinoids because those are found in the resin on hemp and marijuana flowers.

Good news for pregnant and breastfeeding moms: the FDA checked if hemp seeds could pose any risks, and they found it safe to eat. So, enjoy the benefits of hemp seeds without worries!

Get Guidance from Your Healthcare Professional for Pregnancy-Related Discomfort

Experiencing some discomfort during pregnancy is normal, but if it’s affecting your daily life, you don’t have to handle it alone. Reach out to your healthcare professional for guidance on managing the discomfort without putting yourself or your baby at risk.

Your doctor and prenatal team can suggest safe and natural remedies to alleviate muscle aches and pains.Check-ins with your healthcare provider should be done on a regular basis. Keep them informed about both your physical and mental symptoms so they can identify any potential complications early on if they arise. Seeking support and staying connected with your healthcare team ensures a smoother and healthier pregnancy journey.

Final Word: Avoid CBD Use During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding

Health organizations strongly discourage the use of marijuana during pregnancy, and this caution extends to the non-psychoactive hemp plant and its cannabinoids.

Although CBD has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, the scientific community advises against using cannabis products while pregnant or breastfeeding. Studies on animals have shown fetal complications with high doses of CBD. While these findings might not directly apply to humans, conducting such studies on pregnant women is unethical.

To ensure the safety of both you and your baby, it’s best to avoid using CBD during pregnancy. Always consult with your doctor before trying any new supplement or medication during this critical time. Your healthcare provider can provide advice that is tailored to your specific situation.